Annual Report 2021 Connecting everyone in the Netherlands to a sustainable future
Case header Hybridewerken

Hybrid working; fit for purpose, fit for use

“Our new way of working, hybrid, has accelerated over the past two years. It is not new to KPN, however, as we have actively been facilitating flexible working since 2008. On average, KPN office staff were already working from home 20 percent of the time. But COVID-19 has changed things a lot. We went from 5,500 employees at our offices every day to 350, and from 20 percent to almost 100 percent working from home. And now we have to find a new balance – one that comes under renewed strain each time new COVID-19 measures are announced.

Lisette Oosterbroek
Lisette Oosterbroek
HR Director KPN Expertise Center

Looking out for each other is the most important thing at this time. HR supports us in making sure all employees continue to feel connected with each other and the company. Through workshops, we ensured that some 6,500 KPN colleagues made agreements with their teams on how they could organize their new way of working as effectively as possible. This has helped teams find out what works well and what not.

It helps that KPN already facilitates the technology and environment needed for working from home. Bad connections, equipment and environment are enormously frustrating when working from home. But we have supportive e-learning programs that teach our employees how to deal with all aspects of working from home: adopting a good posture, staying mentally and physically fit, and dealing with applications like Microsoft Teams. These are crucial conditions for successful hybrid working. It is also important to have a clear vision of how we as KPN see the future. And we have done just that with our ‘This is how we work’ guide. More than 75 percent of our colleagues support the direction we have chosen.

"We learn from changing circumstances."

We also conduct regular surveys to hear what employees think about essential questions such as: Do you like working from home? Are you able to do your job well? How is your work-life balance? In general, the results of these surveys are positive. More than 90 percent of employees say they are able to work well at home, while more than 70 percent say they would like to work at home for more than 60 percent of their working week. Only two percent of our employees want to be in the office full-time.

We also share our experiences with customers, through dozens of one-on-one sessions and online events. For example, in 2021, 500 customers participated in KPN’s ‘Hybrid working’ webinar. We share our practices too, and customers are free to use them in their own organizations. We are always available to answer their questions.

Sharing experiences is crucial because even though we have made great strides, we are continuing to learn from changing circumstances. In 2022, our teams will be given every opportunity to decide which version of hybrid working, within the KPN framework, suits them. We will try out different models and pursue those that work best. We will also be moving as much as possible towards a data-driven approach, while keeping a close eye on people’s individual needs. After all, the best solution to hybrid working is often a customized one. Our focus is on doing what works best, and for KPN that means that one size most certainly does not fit all.”

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KPN Integrated Annual Report 2021 Spread navigation / 13 MB Download
KPN Integrated Annual Report 2021 Single navigation / 13 MB Download
KPN Verkort Jaarverslag 2021 / 3 MB Download
KPN Integrated Annual Report 2021 ESEF / 2 MB Download
Consolidated Financial Statements / 3 MB Download
Social figures / 140 KB Download
Environmental figures / 214 KB Download
GRI index / 1 MB Download

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